Personal data protection

The party responsible under the General Data Protection Regulation is:
DOUX Développement
31, rue Saint Agricol


1. Data protection

We welcome you to our website and thank you for your interest in our products and services. Protecting your personal data is of the utmost importance to us. In this Privacy Notice, we explain how we collect your personal data, how it is used, the purpose and legal basis for this, and the subsequent rights and remedies available to you.

Our Privacy Notice for the use of our websites and the DOUX Développement GmbH Data Protection Policy do not apply to your use of websites provided by social media or other providers that you access via links on our websites. Please refer to the data protection provisions on the websites of these providers.

2. Collecting and processing personal data

a. When you visit our web pages, we record certain information about the browser and operating system you use, the date and time of your visit, the access status (e.g. whether you were able to access a web page or whether you received an error message), the use of the web page's functions, any keywords you may have entered, the frequency with which you visit the various web pages, and the number of times you visit them, the frequency with which you visit individual web pages, the name of the files accessed, the volume of data transmitted, the web page from which you access our web pages and the web pages you visit from our web pages, either by clicking on the links on our web pages or by directly entering a domain in the input field of the same tab (or window) of the browser in which you opened our web pages.

b. We will only store other personal data if you have provided it to us, e.g. as part of a registration, contact form, survey, competition or for the purpose of fulfilling a contract, and in all these cases only if we are authorised to do so with your consent or in accordance with the applicable legal regulations (for further information on this point, see the section entitled "Legal basis for processing").

c. You are under no legal or contractual obligation to make your personal data available. However, it is possible that certain functions on our website may be dependent on the provision of personal data. If you do not provide your personal data, certain functions may not be available or may only be partially available.

3. Purpose of use

a. We use any data collected when you browse our web pages to enhance the usability of our web pages and to protect our computer systems from attacks and other illegal activities.

b. Where you provide us with other personal data, e.g. as part of a registration, a contact form, a survey, a competition or in order to fulfil a contract, we will use this data for customer administration purposes and, if necessary, for processing and invoicing sales transactions.

4. Transfer of personal data to third parties

a. Our web pages may also contain offers from third parties. If you click on such an offer, we will pass on data to the relevant service provider (e.g. the fact that you found this offer on our web pages and, if applicable, additional information that you have already provided on our web pages).

5. Processing data on usage; using analytical services

a. We would like to tailor the content of our website to your interests as closely as possible in order to offer you the best service possible. We use the analytical service Google Analytics in order to find out what users like about our website and which areas are most popular.

b. When using this analytical service, data may be transferred to servers in the United States for processing. In this regard, please be aware that in the USA, the European Union does not have an "adequate level of protection" for handling personal data as stipulated in the EU standards. This level of protection can however for some companies be replaced by an EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certification.

c. If you would prefer that we do not collect and process any information about your visit to our web pages using the analytical service mentioned, you may refuse to do so at any time ("opt-out").

We will respond to any refusal by setting an "opt-out" cookie in your browser. This cookie is used exclusively to identify your opting out. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie can only be used with the browser where it has been installed. If you delete the cookies or use another browser or device, you will need to activate the "opt-out" option again.

d. Below you will find information about the analytical service providers we use and the opt-out option available to you:

i. Google LLC. ("Google"):

Google is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certified.

You can object to your data being transmitted to, stored and processed by Google. Google provides further information about this at the following link:

6. Information based on usage

In order to be able to better target our online marketing (e.g. banner ads) to your needs and interests on the websites of our retargeting partners (Google Adwords, Google Doubleclick, Facebook, Instagram), we use so-called retargeting technologies. Your personal interests in our products and services are stored in cookies, which are then read and used when you visit other websites that work with our retargeting partners, in order to provide you with information that is as close as possible to your interests. This is done anonymously, i.e. you cannot be identified by the retargeting partner.

If you do not want Doux Developpement and its retargeting partners to collect, store and analyse information about your visit, or to tailor banner advertising to your interests, you can refuse at any time (using the "opt-out" option).

In order to enable this refusal to be carried out from a technical perspective, an opt-out cookie is installed in your browser. This cookie is used exclusively to confirm your wish to opt out. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie can only be used with the browser in which it was installed. If you delete the cookies or use another browser or device, you will have to activate the opt-out option once again.

7. Security

We apply technical and organisational security measures to safeguard the personal data we manage against any possible interference, loss, destruction or use by unauthorised parties. Our security measures are constantly updated and reflect the latest advances in technology.

8. Legal basis for data processing

a. If you have consented to your personal data being processed. Such consent constitutes the legal basis for processing (Art. 6 par. 1 point a GDPR).

b. Art. 6 par. 1 point b GDPR is the legal basis for the processing personal data for the purpose of initiating or fulfilling an agreement with you.

c. If processing your personal data is required to fulfil our legal obligations (e.g. for data retention), Art. 6 para. 1 point c GDPR is the legal basis.

d. In addition, we process personal data for the purpose of safeguarding our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of third parties in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 point f GDPR. These legitimate interests include maintaining the functionality of our IT systems, as well as marketing our company's own products and services and those of third parties, and the legal requirement to record business contacts.

9. Deletion of your personal data

We will delete your personal data as soon as the purpose for which it was collected and processed by our services has been fulfilled. After this date, data may only be stored if required by applicable laws, regulations or other legal requirements of the European Union or a Member State of the European Union.

10. Rights of the individual concerned

a. As an individual concerned by processing data, you have a right of access to data (Art. 15 GDPR), rectification (Art. 16 GDPR), deletion (Art. 17 GDPR), restriction of processing (Art. 18 GDPR) and data portability (Art. 20 GDPR).

b. If you have agreed to your personal data being processed by us, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. Your retraction does not affect the legality of processing your personal data until such time as you withdraw your consent. Processing of your personal data on any other legal basis, in particular in order to fulfil legal obligations (see "Legal basis for processing"), will remain unaffected by this.

c. You have the right to object, at any time, to any processing of your personal data for the purposes of marketing, including any profiling related to such marketing. (Art. 21 GDPR)

d. You may exercise these rights by contacting Doux Developpement directly

e. If you consider that processing your personal data violates legal provisions, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a competent data protection supervisory authority (Art. 77 GDPR).

11. Newsletter

If you subscribe to the newsletter offered on our website, the data collected when you register for our newsletter will only be used to send the newsletter if you do not expressly agree to any other use. You can cancel your subscription at any time using the unsubscribe link provided in the newsletter.

12. Cookies

You can find information about the cookies we use and their functions above.

We use cookies and other similar technologies, such as HTML5 storage and local shared objects (hereinafter referred to as "cookies"), so that we can identify your preferences and tailor our web pages to suit your needs and make them more user-friendly. We also use the analytical service Google Analytics for the same purpose. The use of cookies is also possible in this context.

a. Functions and use of cookies

i. Cookies are small files stored by a website that you visit on your PC, laptop or mobile device. We may use them to, for example, check whether your device has already connected to our web pages or recognise your language or other favourite settings. Cookies may also contain personal data.

ii. In using our website, you agree to the use of cookies.

You can of course browse our website without cookies. In other words, you can object to the use of cookies and delete them at any time by changing the appropriate settings on your browser. To do this, please proceed as follows:

I. Most browsers are pre-set to automatically accept cookies. You can modify this setting by activating the "Do not accept cookies" option in your browser*.

II. You can delete any existing cookies on your device at any time. For detailed information on how to do this, please refer to your browser or device instructions.

III. Objecting to the use of cookies or deleting them is subject to the device and browser used, as is their use. Consequently, you will need to object to the use of cookies or delete them on each of your devices and, if you use several browsers, do so for each browser.

iii. If you choose to object to the use of cookies, some of the features offered on our web pages may not be available to you or may only be partially accessible.

iiii. We use the following cookies:

Operating cookies:

These cookies ensure that the website's functions work properly (such as consulting products, online purchases, and playing YouTube videos).

We also use a cookie to collect and record your consent to the use of cookies when browsing.

Statistical cookies:

These cookies allow us to compile statistics on the number of visits our web pages receive and to detect any browsing issues in order to monitor and enhance the quality of our services.

Configuring the consent of cookies


Advertising cookies:

Google Doubleclick advertising cookies are used to optimise the advertising you see on our web pages to show you ads that are tailored to your interests as well as preventing the same ads being shown to you over and over again. 

a. We would like to tailor the content of our website to your interests as specifically as possible to offer you the best service possible. To identify our website users' preferences and to determine which sections of the website are the most popular, we use the analytical service Google Analytics.

b. When using these analytical services, data may be transferred to servers in the USA for processing. Please note that in the United States there is no "appropriate level of protection" for handling personal data as stipulated by the EU standards. However, for certain companies, this level of protection can be replaced by an "EU-U.S. Privacy Shield" certification.

c. If you do not wish us to collect and use any data about your visit to our web pages using the above-mentioned analytical service, you can refuse to do so at any time (with the "opt-out" option).

We will respond to any opposition by setting an opt-out cookie in your browser. This cookie is used exclusively to identify your opting out. Please note that for technical reasons, an opt-out cookie can only be used with the browser where it has been installed. If you delete the cookies or use another browser or device, you will need to activate the opt-out option again.

d. Below you will find information about the analytical services we use and the opt-out options available:

i. Google LLC. ("Google"):

Google is EU-U.S. Privacy Shield certified.

You may object to your data being transferred, stored or processed by Google. Google can provide you with further information on this subject via the following link:

Rolex section

While navigating on the Rolex section of our website, some cookies are controlled by ROLEX SA which applies the following Cookies Policy.
